Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I recommend...

I recently discovered Minute Maid's Pomegranate Lemonade. Yummy stuff. The tea is OK, but not quite as great as the lemonade. Wal-Mart has it for $2.00 or so.

The most significant reason I like the lemonade so much is that it tastes just like the stuff we used to make at camp - a recipe from my Great Grandmother. It was called Goup. You start with a can of frozen lemonade concentrate, add Zarex drink flavoring, a can or more of Sprite and the rest of the two gallons or so of water. Very yummy stuff.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Shack

I am halfway through William P Young's The Shack and have very mixed feelings about it.

Here is a little snippet I found interesting. The protagonist, Mack, is talking with the Holy Spirit in a very literal sense.

"Mack was getting frustrated. He spoke louder, 'But, don't I have the right to...'

"'To complete a sentence without being interupted? [The Spirit had been interupting Mack's thoughts for almost a page now] Not in reality. But as long as you think you do, you will surely get ticked off when someone cuts you off, even if it is God.'"

Monday, June 09, 2008

Quite the day!

Some news from today:

1. The Wesleyan Church functions a little differently from other denominations in that it has three coequal administrators in highest office. We affectionately refer to them as the Trinity. Today the General Conference of the church, which meets every four years, elected its first woman to the office. Read more here.

2. iPhone 3G announced. Oh yes.