Monday, December 04, 2006


Growing up (unlike some friends) my family only moved one time, and the distance was hardly measurable in miles. Just down the road from Dad's house is the location of our first home - a humble little trailer.

Since moving back home from school in 2003 I have moved once a year, and this will be my third. Once a year isn't so frequent to be astonishing - but the fact that I find things I can toss as I prepare for each move does astonish me. I am much less a packrat now than I was as a child, but I still must have lots of that tendency in me.

My inspiration - one who took this journey just this fall. Katie E. packed her whole life into one car - or at least that was her intent when she began trimming her worldly posessions to move from the DC area a hundred miles or so to Seminary. I think a friend did end up helping her, but it is still an admirable goal. "If I can't take it to Kentucky, why bring it to Easton will be my test."

Oh - and to add to the pressure of this lovely Advent season (which Sunday I thought I might be able to enjoy like never before) my landlord has a chance to rent my apartment to a woman who will be evicted from her location on the 20th. So - I have just over two weeks to pack and relocate my life - and still get to travel an hour to work each way for a little more than a week once I am settled in.

Oh Lord - I need a job once I am moved. Help me see where/what it is when I should!


Anonymous said...

Best wishes. You can do it. :)

Unknown said...

Erika and her husband Andy graduated from Asbury and now live in Lexington, they might be a good contact for job findings. You can email them at
Hope all goes smoothly.
God Bless, Bethany