Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Warning - Motion may make one dizzy.

Since arriving in Wilmore I have had the feeling that I have been here before or at least that I am as at home here as anywhere I have ever been. The community and camaraderie are the same as I found at Houghton with one obvious difference: ATS students are called to vocational leadership within the Church. Houghton students would likely be leaders in the Church but may or may not have vocations of ministry.

This aura, the Spirit of God filling the air - it is a truly remarkable thing. I hesitated to address this since I have so many friends who ought to be here as much as me and who aren't, during this season, able to come to a place like Asbury. I have decided to break the silence.

How awesome God is! I have yet to sit in the Chapel or in a lecture (classes started today - yay!) and find that I am not touched by the Spirit - to the point of holding back tears. My God has at this time graced me with confirmation. Confirmation of my call, confirmation of His leading to this place. I have also been blessed to meet incredible professors and fellow students whose very presence speak of the goodness and witness of the Spirit.

Someone tell me if I am stealing this thought from someone. Sometimes as God brings you to the next step, phase or season you wonder if you have ever lived fully before. That is the sort of rapture that is in my soul as I am touched by the Spirit. Maybe that is CS Lewis...

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