Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I started this post some time ago and am just now finishing it. For whatever reason blogger post these things in order of draft and not post.

So...the title is inspired by a situation with a friend. Part of our conversation addressed moral gray areas I thought my friend and I were on the same page with, but it turns out we aren't. That got me thinking...

Disappointment has to be one of the worst feelings. I was disappointed in a friend, but I cannot imagine being disappointed by a spouse or worse - a child. How would a parent deal with that? Is it so hard because we paint an unreaslitic picture of these loved ones in our minds - or something else?

EDIT - I found the post date and time function. All is well in the world!


Julie said...

I think that you can only really be disappointed in someone to the extent that you're invested in them. So I can be disappointed at the jerk who cuts me off in the parking lot, because I think that humans ought to be better than that... but it doesn't really compare to the way I can be disappointed with a poor paper from a student that I like in my New Testament class. And no one in the class can disappoint me like my cousins could, or my parents, because no matter how much I might like them, I just don't care about them as much.

Anonymous said...

As far as your post, I think you hit the nail on the head. I am a huge idealist, so when the people that I love the most disappoint me, it is so so so hard for me to deal with.

As far as the uproar... I don't really know when that is going to happen.