Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happenstance Conversation

A man I just met on my rounds is in town for his daughter's graduation. I told him I was going to be a preacher so his advice was to "preach the Word and step on toes if you have to. If people complain you know you are doing it right."

When a person tells you to preach the Word, and do so unappologetically, what do they mean exactly? What do you "preach" to the man whose son conceives a child out of wedlock who serves your church as an elder - is "the word" for him to resign? Are you preaching the Word to a family whose son died in Iraq when you picket his funeral as a protest to our domestic, national waywardness on issues like homosexuality and abortion? What relation is there between "Word" and "gospel"? Are they the same - can you swap one for the other? Are we spineless stand-for-nothings when we care about how we are received?

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